Monday, August 12, 2013

Run Around Sue

So, as many Chiarians or SM patients know, doctors can be so frustrating! I called them for my discs about a month ago. Today I called again because I have yet to receive them and they had me call here and there and back to here again. Turns out-they lost them! LOST THEM??? I was in shock...I felt like a new mom and a bottle of spilled breast milk. I had 12 discs ranging from Cervical MRI's with and without contrast to Flex and Extension MRI's to CINE's to CT scans. I literally drove to different states to get some of them because they are so rarely performed and they just... lost them!? Unbelievable. She then told me that I could call "there" again if I wanted them to burn them for me from what they saved on to the computer. Now I have to wait some more for that. Two steps forward,  three steps back.
Aside from that things have been ok. I have a lot of pressure in my neck today but it hasn't developed into a headache yet so I am hoping a little heating pad and pain medicine will nip that in the butt! I recently started working at a new job which I like a lot. There are days where I come home completely exhausted and that leaves me feeling torn. I was thrilled that I found a surgeon who finally gave me some answers but sad that I would have to push it off more waiting for time off. Then I think, when and if I have the decompression, how long will I be out of commission? I finally found a doctor and I finally found a job I like. They say you can't have your cake and eat it too? Whoever "they" is, was right.
Another new symptom that started a few weeks ago is that I see stars when I turn my head or stand up or bend over. They are actually like twinkley little baby stars filling up my vision. I am assuming it is a change in blood pressure. When it happened today I was leaning over to pick something up and it made me feel a little dizzy and I cracked my face on the corner of the dresser. Thank goodness it didn't cause a black eye. That's just what I need!
The pain is starting to settle in around my temples now and my head is feeling too heavy for my neck so I am going to sign off for now but before I go I wanted to share my newest fundraising page for the local Walk and Roll to benefit ASAP. I mentioned before ASAP is one of the leading Chiari and SM organizations and will most definitely help us to one day find a cure. Please consider donating or even just reading some of their material. Thank you and stay healthy!

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